Therapy styles, straight from the therapist!

Certified Athletic Therapists are the musculoskeletal injury specialists who work primarily with a healthy population. We predominantly use movement or “athletics” as our main assessment and rehab tool, and while our active approach to addressing injuries has made us the therapist of choice for athletes, anyone moving can see an athletic therapist. Whether it’s post-surgery rehab of an ACL repair, managing an acute-on-chronic plantar fasciitis, educating patients on bracing and stretches for tennis elbow, or addressing back pain through re-education of dysfunctional movement patterns secondary to texting, we can help!”

-        Nikki Smith CAT(C)


Physiotherapists (or Physical Therapists) are regulated healthcare professionals with specialized hands-on skills to assess, diagnose, and treat neuro-musculoskeletal or cardiopulmonary injuries, conditions, or disabilities. We use an evidence-based approach to help restore movement and function across all ages, populations, and conditions. With the use of education, exercise and conditioning, manual therapy and modalities, physiotherapists aim to improve physical dysfunction and improve overall physical literacy, activity engagement and health and well-being.”

-        Patrick Quimio M.Sc.(PT)


“As Registered Massage Therapists, we offer a practical approach to treatment, utilizing various massage and manual therapy techniques. Our purpose is to identify the root cause of the issue with proper testing and assessment, instead of chasing the pain, so that we can begin to restore muscle function in patients with acute, subacute, and chronic conditions. Whether patients need to reduce pain, improve function and range of motion, or are seeking relaxation, we take the utmost care, because improving the patient’s health is our priority.”

-        Patrick Boiteau RMT